The blues has come again... this time I hope it won't be anything serious...
Just when I'm so happy and all my burdens lifted, then poof! comes another challenge... No matter, will pray and hope that it will soon be all over... Just that sometimes patience is a virtue... and I'm sure I'm more experienced now not to make the same mistake twice now...
When I was in problem, I had some amazing and blessed people around me, and I'm kinda sad now that I'm not able to contact most of them, either busy due to studies, or can't communicate, or somehow things got complicated... The last part is always the trickiest...
I miss how things were before with some besties, like we're so close and like family, but now we seem like strangers... Honestly, I miss my sis Bianca, and yeah I miss the old days... Not to say now is not good, it's alright, but I miss the before times... You get what I mean... I miss Cassandra too, haven't been able to contact her lately, so hope to see them soon... I miss my bestie Joey, Jerome, Charlotte, Charlene, heck I miss them all! ='( hope they read this, and miss ya loads! They all are wonderful people that I miss so much! =')
Resepi Ayam Goreng Rempah Azie
4 years ago