As i listen to this song, it made me think back to memories of 2006, and all the good times, and since this song is about a quiet town, donkeytown, and checking out, and it really suited me now...
ever had a dream where u enjoyed it so much and dreamt about you and your loved ones, and then wake up in the morning to reality, and think to yourself, damn, wish it was true... ever had that moment when you went back in time, and saw the memories that help shape who you are now, and think "wish i can change the past"...
that's the danger of thinking too much, and dreaming too much, for the past is past, and now is the time to make a change, be who you want to be, and lead a better life than you had in the past... what's past is gone, and think that your life now is better than the past...
... but it's hard to forget the past... but one thing's for sure, i will never forget all the good times...
ok back to the current times... hehe...
lately this last few days has been really strange, really really one of the most rollercoaster ones i ever had... and crying in class, wow, before an exam, lucky it didnt affect it much, or else i would have been in trouble... hehe.... i don't know why, im a bit emotional, im too big hearted, i care for people too much, till i get easily affected, and really up and down... yea... gotta try and be less caring maybe, or just be strong...
today i had the chance to look back and reflect on the past few days, and yeah it was kinda silly for me to cry, but i mean i cant stand it, if i just keep all those emotions to myself, its gonna get worse, so that's why, the crying released all (or most) of it, and even now i still feel kinda weird, up and down... wow... maybe its the exam blues, coz its less than a month till exam starts, and this time in college, its much more dangerous, so yeah... hope i can do my best! and i slept most of the day coz its so boring being stuck in my room, i cant go out coz my house is kinda messy, under renovation... so boring.. yeah, that's life being a single kid, no sibling to talk to and share your problems..
One of the problems of having no siblings, you cant talk to anyone when u have problems (im not gonna share it with my parents, crazy?!), when u need a friend or company at times, and lots more... gee... oh well... gotta get on with life...
today, i did my assignment, and oh, talked to my friend Jacquelene on the phone, bored kan.. hehe.. tular Aldric too busy, jarang meet him already... i miss my didi Aldric owh... ahaha... bha Jac, jaga2 dia d skul la.. lol.. guess im lucky to meet a didi like Aldric, altho he's busy, still.. hehe... and a nice fren Jacquelene, a really nice person, and jaga my didi at skul (just kidding! hehe...)... just wish i had a family like dat, aldric my lil brother... hehe...
well, that's all i think... after the emotions of the last day and last post, this is kinda considered mild... ahaha...
Resepi Ayam Goreng Rempah Azie
4 years ago