While I was cleaning up my room, and tidying all my stuff, I found some CDs I had since I was young, and they range from Matchbox 20, Blue, Robbie Williams, to Boyzone and Ronan Keating... heh nice taste when you're young aye... boybands and all... much like the growing up of me, I outgrew those and moved on to blues and jazz, but that doesn't mean those bands and those selections when I was young was tacky, it's still music... What I've learned is that making music is not easy, so that's why I respect every artist that makes music, and produces it...
Learning the guitar these last few years, along with some basic music theory and watching the process has definitely made me appreciate music more, so I don't really look down on any, and now I can look at those selections from when I was young from a different point of view... I've been lucky to learn all these, from a layman's view; I don't consider myself a musician, maybe a basic one, but more towards a music fan and avid listener... Though the progress continues on my guitar...
I love music alot, heck everyone does, and you'll all agree with me when I say that without music, life is boring and monotonous...
Anyway, when I took the albums out for a spin, and now playing is Ronan Keating's 2003 album "Destination", it suddenly brought back memories of me in Form 1 (it was released when I was in sec school) and life in secondary school for the first time... Then from learning and adapting in Form 1 and 2 to progressing in Form 3 onwards... I really thought alot about the years, the memories, and most of all imagining myself back to that point in time... aaahhh...
I think the generation nowadays are very privelleged to have all the technology and advancements all round, especially in social communication, and music... In my days in Form 1 we had no Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter and the works, heck even Friendster was quite uncommon those days... I only got mine in Form 2 I think... Before that, it was plain old telephone and MSN, just ask ma best bud from primary school all the way till now... XD!
Back when I was in Form 1-3, those years, Friendster was the thing, and MSN before and during that time... When it was Form 5, Facebook suddenly started to progress, and soon everyone hopped on the bandwagon... Progress is a beautiful and scary proposition at the same time... If we're not careful, we may lose the beauty and simplicity of days gone by... When I was young, I played outside and didn't spend much time on the comp... XD!
No matter what, I'll always cherish my memories in primary and secondary school, and though we all have moved on, there will always be a part of me that cherishes every moment of it, through the good and bad times... =) The music helps the nostalgia alot... Certain music for certain years...
As for now, I'm going to complete another phase of my life, finishing my diploma, hopefully passing with flying colours, and then we'll see...
... and typing all this a day before my final exams, when I should be studying, but somehow this pre-empted all other things... ah memories... XD!
Resepi Ayam Goreng Rempah Azie
4 years ago
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