Where do I start? 2010 has been a momentus year, so many things happened in one year that it was so awesome! This was the year that had a profound effect on me, as I turned 20, left my teenage years behind, but not my friends, made new friends, had wonderful moments, and Spain finally won the World Cup! What an incredible year, and the story begins on a cold night in January...
The year started where 2009 left off, but with major changes ahead.. The SHC Thanksgiving Dinner kicked things off, and I managed to spend time with my sis Bianca, and before she started school for her PMR year... I thought it was the last time I got to see her, but I got to meet her again after that =) then it was off to INTIMA Conference at Metropolitan College, Subang Jaya, and it was incredible! I learnt alot from the experience, being with fellow students from other INTI campuses, and hanging out with my INTIMA friends around, it was an experience I'd never forget! =D
The start of February was all about family, journey back to my roots, and then Chinese New Year! Went out with my bestfriends and my loves on 19th, a day to remember, and we watched Percy Jackson! :3 I miss this day =) then the next day Johenson had an open house, and it was fun! XD! Then the month ended with a Youth Concert at SHC, and I guess that's it, the two days on 19th and 20th being the highlights =D
My birthday month! Spent my birthday (belated) with my loves and I had a great time, even though my sis had to go to training early... Then it was RAY Camp! This year's RAY Camp was the 2nd time I was helping out, and we had a series of meetings and preparations for the camp, and I must say, this camp really was great for me, it meant alot to me, I experienced the power and love and worship the Lord, and I'm really thankful for this opportunity! =D The camp itself was nice, and I think more towards me personally... After camp was a post-meeting, then World Youth Day celebration at SHC to end the month...
It was Easter weekend, and we went to St.Simon, and met my bro and sis there =D Aldric and Bianca, and it was nice to see them during blessed Easter time =) Then it was a double day the next day, with Tess' birthday party, then my relatives' engagement, so balik kampung and met my cousins! =D Then 11th April was Bakat Interact, and I went to see some old friends, I went with my bro n sis, and met many old friends and besties... The day was fine, although there were some problems... All in all, April was a good month, but it was also the start of something that was to continue until now, the end of the year...
The month of May was to be the big one, as I was due to perform for my college dinner, and the dinner itself was a big occasion, as we were the organisers, and it was a real challenge to organise and perform, and together we did it! =D so thanks INTIMA 15th batch! The INTI Night was nice and to me, it went well, I'm sure everyone else thinks so... After the dinner, on 28th May was my sis' confirmation, and my cousin n friends as well, so congrats to all of ya Confirmation Class of 2010! Then that night was the KDCA-ISCEP Concert, as usual every end of May for Ka'amatan, and I went with my old buddies, and met Theodora, oh my gucci! =D hehe... had a good night with them! ^^ Theo! haha...
Ah, the month where the biggest event started, the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa! It was the start of a month-long festival of football and everything that went with it, and it was awesome right from the beginning! On 9th June, I went out with Aldric and Bianca, just the 3 of us, for some quality time, although Jerome and Cassandra were supposed to come but couldn't make it, so it was just the 3 of us, me with the 2 people I love alot, and I had a nice day, makes me feel like I really have a family with siblings!
SPAIN, 2010 FIFA WORLD CUP WINNERS! SPAIN ARE WORLD CHAMPIONS! What more can I say? July was all about THE final, THE biggest match! Spain were crowned World Champions on the 11th of July, after 64 matches, 30 days and hours of action, there was one winner, Spain!
On 1st July, I went out with my old classmates and friends from school, and it was nice and wonderful to be able to meet them again! We went for a movie, KKbox-ing, and dinner by the waterfront, and it was nice to spend time with them again =D then 4th July was SFC Concert, and I went to support my sis who's in the choir! Go Bianca! =D hehe... and my friends Empty Papers performed as well XD! so it was nice... on 14th July, another day out with Lorenzo, Anthea, to do covers, and I just helped out along, and we eventually had an awesome day and night together! =D Then on 25th it was RAY 9th Anniversary, and celebration all around! It was fun, and RAY has been around for long! =)
After an incredible July, came the exam month of August, my last month of my Diploma, and thank God I passed it all! I finished my diploma on time, and what relief! 13-15 August weekend was one of the best! First there was SHC Youth Praise Nite, combining all youths, den on 14th my friends Olivia and Charlton Gomes celebrated their birthday, and 15th it was the Bruce Kuhn Broadway show at SHC... Then two of the best days I will never ever forget, first up Johenson's birthday, then Charlotte and Charlene Jumin's Twin birthday! =D it was awesome and fun, and with friends, it was nice! =) then at night I met Angel and Francess and we hung out, after a long time I haven't been with them... hehe... After all that, my final exam, and yeah, I did all that BEFORE exams, and still I got good results... ehehe...
Finally, I had some free time, and I started all my unfinished business, cleaning up the house, cathcing up on old times and events, and most importantly, my driving license! XD! on 6-9 September, there was a PBK event at SHC, and I got to help for the first day only, where the youths perform on the opening day, and it was nice, I was the compman and cameraman XD! After that it was all normal, many little things happened, I hang out with friends and that's it... Then 23rd September I celebrated my bestie Angel's birthday with a lunch at Upperstar Lintas, and that's about it for the month, I guess.. hehe..
My sis' birthday month! :3 aww! hehe... For her birthday, I made her a special card and a gift, and I managed to give her exactly on her birthday, and I got to meet her even though awhile only =) then it was 10-10-10, and I attended my friend's charity event, not a bad way to celebrate triple 10, just wish I had my loves n besties with me... oh well maybe 11-11-11 next year! =) then on 16th October it was another sis/cuz (distant cuz ^^) birthday, and we celebrate at Water World, and it was my 1st time there! =) I spent d day with Abigail and Vernessa, awesome! ^^ then we had a last minute outing with Ameline and Lorenzo on 18th, with Ivan and Aiman joining later on... on 23rd October. it was my bro Aldric's school concert, Shan Tao Brass Band with Kian Kok, and I went with my sis Bianca to support him, and the concert was lovely! Brass Band Orchestra reminded me of orchestral movements and pieces, and I really enjoyed it, especially as a musician and music lover =) October ended with me wishing all the SPM students all the best for their exams, especially my besties and siblings =)
When November came, what was in store was way beyond comprehension, something happened that still affects me now, and I really, really wished it didn't happen... But first, on 5th November, Lifeline had a BBQ Picnic, and it was nice, and it was the first time besides camp that I joined Lifeline's activity, and I hope to join more in the future =) This year, the Malaysian International Challenge Badminton was held at Likas, from 9-14 November, and I went for the first 2 days on 10th and 11th, because 12th I had to go to KL for my Convocation, and then 15-22 head to Singapore for a family holiday! The tournament was nice, although it was a 4th-tier event, many top players came, especially local players like Tan Chun Seang, Chong Wei Feng, World Junior Champions Ow Yao Han and Chooi Kah Ming, runner-up Loh Wei Sheng, and Sabah's very own talented shuttlers, namely Beryno Wong, Amelia Anscelly, Winson Neo, and more! The first two days brought many exciting matches, and some upsets as well... I really learnt alot from watching top class players play, and got some experience... =)
Then 12th I was off for my convocation in INTI Nilai, on 13th November, with my classmates and collegemates... As soon as I arrived, we were already rushing here and there, it was really hectic, before the convo! The day itself presented some challenges, but thank God everything went smoothly in the end... Then 14th I went out for a stroll in KL, and met Deon, Mortigou and Samantha... 15th I headed to Singapore, unbeknowing what was to hit me... From KL, I was already feeling unwell, sick, but I just kept going, and trying to supress the pain, and upon reaching Singapore, something happened...
On 17th I got chickenpox, and then I got quarantined for 2 weeks, and was only allowed to return on 2nd December, and to hear that news was gut-wrenching, heartbreaking, to be detained there, and stay an extra 12 days, costed me... I really hate myself, wondering where did I get it from, and I really was down and upset... I had to stay longer, yet I can't even go out jalan2 and shop, until the last 5-6 days, and even that I had to control myself and not really get too near to avoid spreading it... That extra time, I can't even go home to see all my loved ones, that time I really, really missed them... I missed LT Anniversary, carolling practice, and basically alot of stuff, and till now I'm still trying to catch up lost time..
... and I finally returned from Singapore on early December, and straight away caught up with carolling practice, thank God I could still join, and I ended up alright... although I lost time to hang out with friends and practices, I could still catch up... This month was an awesome month, and yet there were some sub-plots of twists that linger on... Carolling was awesome, as always, and I really had a great time! I joined Melissa Audrey's group again this year, and to my carolling group, great job! =D
Besides that, I had many days out with loves and friends, from 18th to 22nd, it was a really packed and awesome straight period, in 1Borneo and Suria two days straight! =) 18th at 1B with Abby, Sha, Wes, Ivan, Jav, Sam, Ari and Yeehui, 20th and 21st at Suria with some of them again plus Jerome XD! and 21st night was RAY Christmas Dinner, and I had a great night with my dear friend Leisa ^^v, my besties Angelica, Francess and gang! =) Took lots of pics which I uploaded in FB.. hehe.. Then 22nd, Jude's group had a Xmas Thanksgiving dinner at one of the aunty, Aunty Jeanette's house, and I went along with the group, the ones which went were Abby, Sha, Vina, Ivan, Jav, Nad, Simon, Wes, and Jude himself! =D had a crazy awesome night, and took even more pics with them! =D
And just yesterday on 28th, I went out with my old classmates and friends from Maktab Sabah, a mini-reunion of some sorts, and to meet them again, especially the star of the show, Alvin Wilson, all the way frm France! XD! I managed to hang with Alvin, Jo, Mort, Loren, Anthea, Sam, Ivan, Agnes, Diniy, and Zeff... Leslie and Ray couldn't make it unfortunately... It was nice and awesome to be with them again, and made me recall and miss school days... heck we talked about whar we did at school, ah the memories... XD! Watched Gulliver's Travels, awesome funny gila! haha! then we went to K-box at Growball punya, not many song choices, sadly... then off to Secret Recipe Warisan for some drinks and deserts... after that Diniy and Zeff went home, and me, Al, Jo, Mort n Anthea went to watch 'Letters From A Friend', another production by the Green Leaf Theatre House, for charity, and it was really good! Theatre play that really got u! After that went to have dinner in Dongz, before spending the night playing pool at Millenium, and I sucked at pool! :O finally went home at 1 am! XD! what a great day! I miss them now already =') perfect way to close the year... =D
So as I write this, its almost new year eve, and I guess I had such a wonderful year, so many memories, moments, and I don't want the year to end, coz next year I may have to say goodbye to some of my loves and closest people, my besties and siblings, who will be going away...
Overall, this year was really filled with so many talking points, the biggest of them all, has to be Spain, worthy World Champions! It's gonna be sad to leave this year behind... I experienced so many emotions, happy, sad, to seeing loved ones gone, and dealing with the pain of a loss, as I was turning 20, and leaving my teen years behind, lost and found friends, everything you can think of, I've been through it this year... Learn from mistakes, and I really learnt who my true friends and bro and sis are... I don't know how to end this, except, 2010 was incredible, and it set the tone for my life...
Resepi Ayam Goreng Rempah Azie
4 years ago
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