... with the story that comes with a dream and a realisation...
Lately things are fine, thank God... yeah, life can be a challenge, but stay positive, believe, and keep the faith... In life nothing is certain, nothing is ever black nor white, there's always this grey area, and we always exploit this grey area until it becomes either one... It depends on which side are we on... Question is, whose side are we on?
I don't think anyone ever reads my blogs, which I'm fine with, but then again people don't ever see the other side of me, reflective, emotional, thoughtful, insightful... They think I'm this hyperactive friendly guy whose childish, that always talks alot, and is kinda of a teacher's pet, but they don't see how I am outside or the other part of me... Well they don't know what they're missing =P haha!
Tell me who doesn't miss people that they love, and I'll tell then to fork off... Of course I miss my siblings, my friends... Of course I miss the moments I spent with them, and if course I wanna spend time together with them again, and just be with them... But people seem to make such a big deal out of it, as if I'm some kind of guy who has it better... Lemme tell you something, I miss them, I love them and I wish they're here now... If you think this is childish, then you're wrong, simple as that... This is family...
Nowadays I'm aware of being grown up, less childish, but sometimes we fall, we're human, who doesn't make mistakes? So give me a break, and let me grow in my own space... What I need nw is support, love and care, and I'm glad my siblings are there for me when I need them... I know I've disappointed and let them down, but I still love them and try my best to be a better person...
I kinda miss my sis Cass, I mean I miss the times we spent, and we used to be close last time, but as time passes, I don't know, for me I still consider us close, but I wonder how she thinks... I think she's been a good sis, she's told me things straightforward, no bulls... and I guess I needed that, I need that honest straight opinion... It sometimes hurts, but better honest then lies I say... Guess I need that talk now...
In this world that will tear you up and eat you, it's how u react after having that punch in the face that determines how you will live, and I can say after being punched, tossed, turned, stabbed and hurt so many times, despite all the tears, all the pain, all the hurt, I'm stronger than ever... Yes, there will be tears and spills, but all this will make me a stronger person...
Resepi Ayam Goreng Rempah Azie
4 years ago
Yeah..i kinda understand what are you saying. Sometimes all i wanna do is to go back to where things were before. When life isnt so difficult. Anyway, people read your blog. At least i do=P
Btw, i miss you..its been years since i've met you.
manda! ^^ hehe... yeah, and also, like time pass so damn fast ni, where did all the years pass by? :O awww hehe... thank u thank u ^^
yea bah, miss ya 2 pal ^^ years ka? not like baru last year? but still lama ow hehe... where ya now? studying masi?
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