Part 1 was about camp, and thanks to my friend, made a small edit and republished it...
Now for part 2...
After camp, i got home, all sad, coz this was my last camp, and i had 2 go 2 classes the very next day, unlike all my friends who had school holidays... oh man... haha... and i actually almost cried at class, coz the emotions of the moment just got me... That's how much i miss camp, and what happened....
Well, life got on as usual, until Friday, when me and some of our friends went out, and hang around... We had planned to catch a flick and then shop around, but what eventually happened was so awesome, and way past anything i had ever imagined.. LOL... it was a truly great day, me and my friends did something great... oh, and congratulations to Fred and Gloria, officially engaged on Friday... so it was a good day...
Then it was Saturday, and Fred and Glo's CG had an outing to go watch a movie and hang around, movie treat actually... hehe... so there were like 17 of us, and woah it was so cool man... we all watched Indiana Jones (supposed 2 watch Narnia again, but late showtime... huhu...) at 12 noon... I brought my friend, Jacquelene Danica along, kinda like a guest... hehe... too bad Aldric can't come, would have loved to hang out with my titi... haha! so we all played games 1st (well, almost all...) and Walter, Adam and Jason raced against Fred, and all 4 cars were linked... the result? an awesome and hillarious race... if u were there, gerenti ketawa... those 4 guys were literally racing each other, and eventually Fred won (hahaha!) the race... then the girls raced, baru 1st lap suda berlanggar... haha... then guys again, then girls... some of us went to play other games... so siok!
Then it was showtime, and the movie was great, funny, and kinda interesting... I wont reveal much about the movie or else spoil suda... haha! then we all went down to eat, and planned our next jouney, mass... Too bad some of us cant make it to mass, coz of time... but most of us did, some followed Jason's car (the girls la dat... haha...) while the rest of us either took d bus or walked... yes, walk from CP to SHC... Yeah, me and a few friends walked 2 mass... But before that, we went window shopping, and they were looking for shirts... hehe... had a nice time jalan2 and hanging out with them, esp with friends that i can rarely meet and hang out with, like Jacquelene (my titi's babysitter! ahaha juz kidding!), Javier, my sis Shalei... so yeah... thanks alot to Fred and Gloria for bringing us all out... hehe... and for the tickets!
Then we walked to SHC for mass, and along the way we met Eman driving, along the road, so we asked him to give a lift to one of us, and the rest of us continued marching on... What a day... hehe... Then mass, then hang out before going home...
So that was it, basically... Too bad there was no LifeNite...
It was a really fun experience, and i really enjoyed the 2 days... now that my time in LT is almost up, enjoy it while u can... hehe... next year i'll be back, as a sub-core hopefully... wakaka...
so until next time, tata!
"This is the time of my life!" - David Cook
Congratulations DC! What an emotional victory! Respect!
Resepi Ayam Goreng Rempah Azie
4 years ago
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