Hello, and welcome to 2010, and to all, Happy New Year! =D The new year has dawned upon us, and brings many a change and mystery... All to play for innit?
This is my first note of the year, and the new year was OK... Unlike many who went to partied or clubbing, I spent my new year in my house, outside my garden, watching the fireworks, calling and texting all my friends... I guess it was alright, kinda fun, and I got to wish my closest ones a Happy New Year! =D
The new year, the 1st day, I went to witness my cousin's engagement, so balik kampung for the 1st day... Kinda nice and relaxing, and it was funny, although long... Still, I got to learn... And later I went to my uncle's house, and met my cousins, nice... =D its been a while since I last went there...
2nd day, my mum's workmate had a wedding reception at Hongkod, or KDCA Hall, and we went, and the place was empty! So unlike Ka'amatan season, where the whole place was alive, awesome! Today, however, it was quiet, with the exception of the reception, so enjoyed it as well, the place brought many memories to me, so nostalgic... But then at night I cried, because of something that dawned on me...
3rd day, today, was the last day of holiday, and sadly, the last day for a long time that I will be able to meet my sis Bianca... yeah, from now on her HP will be taken, so no text and calls during school... I'm OK with that, its for her own good also, but it'll be sad that I can't talk 2 her and share things and experiences... =( this holidays I really got close with my besties, and I can't imagine if I can't contact with them all again, that's scary... =(
I really miss my lil sis, coz she and I share alot of secrets with each other, and trust... Guess this is the test of time, whether after this we can still communicate the way it used to be... Until then, take care sis! <3 ya! =) I don't care if people don't understand this, as long as I have this family, I will keep them in my heart... They're what I have, and I really treasure each and everyone of them... =)
So as a new year dawns, and I hope this year I can be a better person, and maintain my studies, as well as keeping in touch with all my friends, and (most of all) getting fitter! hahahaha! That's a must, I need to get fit to start training soon!
Bianca Biancie budu budu! Miss ya! =P!
Resepi Ayam Goreng Rempah Azie
4 years ago
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