Day 2 - 28th May 2006
Sunday started with many mosquito bites and being groggy... Woke up at 5.30 am, and went to brush me teeth and wash up before 6.30.. Went to the hall before 7 to get prepared for morning excercises, then it was breakfast... Then, as usual, it was Praise and Worship time, and as usual, we sang our praises and so on....
Then, it was Session 3, "Why Jesus?" but this time the accompanying skit was delayed till the next Session... Anyway, the session was ok, and then it was tea break... Delightful delicacies and drinks, before the next session 4, "How To Be Like Jesus" with the skit from the previous session, "Jesus Stay". This was also an emotional one, and very good. (Maybe later i'll upload all videos and pics in a seperate website) Then it was lunch break. (The small group activity, "I can be Jesus to others" was cancelled due to less time)
After that, it was Praise and Worship time again! hehe.. Then, it came to serious buisness... A short briefing, followed by a confession and adoration... It lasted throughout till around 4.30, and the thing was it was raining heavily during this time, with strong lightning and thunder accompanying the rain... It was so strong, like it was an omen or something... (Funnily enough, the previous day, it was also raining, but at night, so the session at night lasted longer, with us being told around to wait around and mingle...) During the thunderstorm, me new friend got scared, so i told me friend to be calm... Me pal had a rosary around, and funnily enough it snapped and fell... (sorry ah 4 mentioning this! hehe...) Then, i had a new friend! hehe... See, i managed to make lots o new frens in camp...
Then when the rain subsided a bit, it was time to wash up and tea break... I quickly took a bath, and went to drink (but didnt eat, no appetite) before Praise and Worship time, yet again! hehe... 3 times a day... Then, it came to the 5th Session, "Touch Jesus", with the skit from session 4, "Dr. Jesus".. It was funny also, and then it was Prayer Ministry Time - Healing.... What happened then will not be published here (obviously)... Then it was announcement time, then supper before lights out...
I moved to me mate's room on this night after i couldn't stand the mosquito bites and me mate's rom was better, with all me pals there! hehe.. Slept at 1 am after i couldn't sleep... Listening to Gordon and Leslie playin guitars... And that was it...
(Day 3 coming soon...)
Resepi Ayam Goreng Rempah Azie
4 years ago
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