Day 3 - 29th May 2006
Finally, the last day of camp beckons. This time, i slet well, and woke up late! It was already 7 when i woke up, so hurriedly i went to brush me teeth and wash up while the others were already in the hall... This morning we had aerobic excercises before breakfast. As i was groggy and headache, i didnt really take part, and i kept waking meself up... Eventually i regained my composure during breakfast, and i was ready...
Then it was Praise and Worship time again... hehe... Then it was Session 6, "Give Jesus", with the skit "Compassion", and it was good, as usual... (what u want me 2 say? hehe...) Then it was time for the Prayer Ministry, the Empowering of the Holy Spirit.. It was great and i felt good, and now i am a Missionary! hehe... All 200++ of us... hehe... Then it was time for tea break, and then the closing mass...
The closing mass was also presided over by the same priest, and once again i was in charge of the banner procession thingys... hehe... Then, the funny thing was, as i finished carryin the banner, i went to stop over for a while near the choir, then ended up singing with the rest of the choir! So, it was a funny moment indeed but at that time it seemed serious as any screw ups will be obvious... Then after mass it was time for the thank you's, congratulations' and so on... And then....
Birthday celebrations! Me mates, Jess, Anthea and Adam ngam2 their birthdays were today, so they celebrated their birthdays on stage, together with the rest of the birthday teens in May... So cool oh they all, get to praise and worship the Lord on their birthday, with all their friends (incl. me... hehe...) and then get sprayed water! (tho i would like to avoid THAT last part... hehe..) So, happy birthday to all Lifeteeners yg May, esp those 3.... hehe.. What a way to end the camp, with some praise and worship!
Then it was our final lunch, and i took lots of pics with all the pals as a memory... Who knows? hehe... anyway, took lots of pics, got ready me farewells and checked me affirmations for a last time.. hehe... Then, sadly, it was time to clean up and leave.. I packed me stuff, checked around one last time, and played a little basketball before leaving... Then, i waited for me dad outside, in the canteen, and took some final shots as a memory... The whole building, the place, the people, it will always be remembered as where i met Him....
So, it was farewell, and goodbye...
(Part 4, the overall experience coming soon)
Resepi Ayam Goreng Rempah Azie
4 years ago
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