It's been a long time, and it's Sunday morning now, and Monday I have a test, I should be really studying, but I'm here, writing off another chapter of a very complicated and chaotic life, like the very twists and turns of a rollercoaster, only more violent and surprising... a cinematic view of what's it like to be in my life or in any of the millions of this world...
Well what changed from last time? It seemed like nothing could go wrong, I had trusted people by my side, and in a swoop, everything changed... yes, it's my fault, I apologised, and silence fills the air where words previously filled it... It's amazing and at the same time very heartbreaking to suddenly experience this... I really miss my bestfriend, she means the world to me... But if God has a plan for me, and it involves no longer being friends with her, I'll just have to trust Him and move on... Have faith and persevere =) I'll certainly cherish all the happy moments and times I spent with her... I pray I will be friends with her again, but time will tell...
It's been a challenging time, and I even broke down and cry the day that happened... and now I'm still on the brink but holding on... Trying to be more optimistic and enjoy life... In that sense I guess I've matured alot, no longer dwelling on the past... sure, it hurts, but what's the use to keep on replaying it? I prefer to remember happy memories and cry, for those are tears of happiness and blessings... Such as my time in Lifeteen 2006-2008, it always will be forever a special time and will never forget =')
Nothing lasts forever in the cold November rain, sang Axl Rose of Guns 'N Roses, and I guess that's true... now I'm not justifying his rock n roll excesses of the band, but just that line muscially... November started off with that heartache... here's to a better ending... lately I had kinda of a little crush, but I guess that wont last long, as usual guess she likes someone else, so no chance for me here... another journey along the single life... sigh...
At the end of the day, life goes on... It's all up to you to choose whether to live it with the pain or the opportunism that awaits tomorrow... here comes the rest of your lives, so live it well...
Resepi Ayam Goreng Rempah Azie
4 years ago
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