The title says it all...
These last few days has been, the least to say, eventful... Sadly, all are down experiences, no positives at all...
On Thursday, it was a really frustrating day, to say the least.... First, me mate's pencil box was "attacked" by a giant bee, and me fren tried to get rid of it, and to me fren'sa credit, got rid of it, but funnily enough, it fell down the corridor as me mate got rid of the bee... heheh....
Then, the controversy bee-gins (excuse the pun)... Our class money, a big chocolate (i wont say whose, later my fren slack me off) and some other valuables got lost while we were away in the Chemistry lab, and maybe some itchy hands from our neighbour class took it (i say maybe.... not peoven yet.... Some of u all know what kinda class 4M is next to.... 5S!!! (eeeh! i hate them! n im so in trpuble if they see this... LOL.. peduli...) And then, they try to act tough again... Eeesh, as if!! I hate them!!! Always disturbing our class only!! 4A oso kena, some of their stuff also went missing.... So sad.....
But one bright spot was that i got PlanetShakers' new album, Arise, later!! Yah!! 2CDs agen that... heheh.... majesty.....
Then on friday, the bad news struck.... me mum got sick, and was admitted to hospital... Apparently she got very ill, but now she's fine, but still resting in hospital... I watched her with me dad, and still found time to attend the Holy Week mass on Thursday and today... (Good Friday bah, must) hehe... She got appendix, through some viral infection, and was in semi-serious condition.... But now she's fine... I miss my mum!! And now im like depressed, sad and tired...
Oh yeah, this was the first time i attended mass in Holy Week... (aiyah, just re-discovered the Lord, thanks to Anthea last year and thanks to thePlanetShakers Conference! and LifeTeen!! They helped me rediscover God... and the spirit to attend every mass...) and it was like different, but it was ok....
Well, tomorrow is Holy Saturday, and Sunday is Easter! Hehe... So, to all Christians reading my blog, i wish you Happy Holy Week, Happy Easter, and may God bless you, always and forever!
See ya all!
Will update my blog again soon, maybe tomorrow!
Resepi Ayam Goreng Rempah Azie
4 years ago
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