Really freaky... The strange weather probably sums it up.... Today was the freakiest day in my 4 years in Sabah College, and this probably started 2 weeks ago...
Based on word of mouth and what i saw, this whole hysteria thigy started 2 weeks ago, and continued till today.... Practicaly everyday there was shouting and screaming... It was shocking but curiousity took over, but soonm when it happened over and over again, it got boring.... Until today....
I should have known what will happen today.... Me and my friends were asked to help arrange the class chairs n tables for 3K and 3T for today's procession....
7.00 am, and the ritual begins.... The 2 classes each had a mr. ustaz to help chase away the bad spiris, and during the whole day, from then till around 11, so much screaming and shouting went on.... Lots of ppl kena rasuk dis.... around 20++.... all the form 3 kena xcept 3 Makmur, which was testament to their strong spirit... Lucky oo they all... As for me, well, i was not that scared.... Until the boys finally kena rasuk... Then i started to worry, but not to the point of screaming lah... Rehat oso in chaos this, so many ppl naik turun.... Ah, then going home time, the weather sudenly got gloomy and then, hujan kuat, plus strong thunder.... Omens this....
I think i don't have to say much, coz EVERYONE knows bout this... And since im tired rite now, this is where i'll stop... For now....
Resepi Ayam Goreng Rempah Azie
4 years ago
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