What a night! Tonight LifeTeen had a birthday celebration for lifeteeners whose birthdays were on March and April, and surprise, surprise! It was me who was one of them, and it was fun! hehe...
This was the first time i celebrated my birthday with so many friends, and on a large scale... And it was great... Before that, it was CG LifeNight, which emant we were split into small(er) groups... It was fun... (esp the imagining part!) We were asked to imagine going back in time, and going far back to ancient civilisation, where there were no modern facilities, and so on... It was fun, and everyone's response was funny.. hehe... And that was that...
Today, i went out for what has been a long while, and i met up with an old friend, which was great! hehe... It goes to show what friendship iz all about.. hehe...
Ah, and as of now, Liverpool has just recorded a fine 3-1 victory over Aston Villa in their last home game of the season. Wonderful goals from Fernando Morientes and 2 from Steven Gerrard, including a scorching drive from 40 yards, swerving into the net. Yay Liverpool! hehe...
Well, i guess that's all for this wonderful night to remember... hehe... Till next time, c ya!
P.S. LifeTeen Youth Camp's coming! yay! I can't wait! The theme for this year is "Experience Jesus" and the camp will be held at Maktab Nasional. For more info, contact the LifeTeen Core Leaders or me! hehe... See ya!
Resepi Ayam Goreng Rempah Azie
4 years ago
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