Well, its been an interesting week after the drama performance...
It certainly doesn't end there. with us performing "The Pearl" in other schools, and an encore performance of our first play that got Project D together in the 1st place, "The Lotus Eater" as the closing act for the Bulan Bahasa... yay!!
On Monday, i went back to class proper for like, 3 weeks and was like, so blur and confused... Too much relaxatuon, rehearsing and focusing on the drama... hehe...
Then we had a few meetings, and got toghether again, and held auditions for budding actors, and that was it for the drama side of my school life...
Then, the whole week was more or less the same, but this week was a bit special, with some special guests.. hehe... A few (i think 10) students from Thailand came to Sabah College for a visit and tour, and one of them came in to our class for a day only, and his name was Wee.... Nice to meet ya and your friends rite! hehe... As well as some teachers and students from the rural schools, all involved in the Dreams and Teams project...
Ah, today, was a very tiring day....
In the morning, i went to an Educational Fair to take part in the Spelling Bee contest, around 10 am... And when i went there it was like, so many ppl yg VIP this, got kompang2, red carpet la, and all.... Turns out that the CM will visit the fair, and that guests come only at 1 pm! But what do i care, i was already there, so i went in among the well-dressed crowd (i was wearin T-shirt, peduli!) and jalan2 tinguk sini sana.... Then, i went to register early for the Spelling Bee, and turns out the contest is divided to 5 slots, 2 today and 3 tomorrow (Sunday).... It only started at 2.30 pm, so long!! Lucky got Max and Navin to fren me (they were in the contest also) till 11.30, then they go KK. Then i went home, and came back at 2 pm... But the funny thing was, the first person i saw there i recognised was..... Brian, the LifeTeen guitarist!! hahah, in nice suit and tie man! Turns out he was working in Yayasan Sabah, and they had a booth there to promote in the fair, so at least i had him to fren me.....
Then i went in the hall at 2 pm, and watched the Sejarah UMNO quiz first, till 3 pm!! So the first round of the Spelling Bee started late! 12 contestants, you have 2 spell 10 words, and if you get 7-9 correct, RM 20.... All 10 correct, RM 200!!
I picked my envelope with my words inside, and i was the 2nd last contestant, so i was lucky! :-p Besides being the last few, i knew that it would be easier, and turns out it waz true! But by the first contestant, when they mentioned the 1st word, trus blur!! But, at least i didnt panic, (even Drama also i was the coolest and relaxed of all the crew) and watched the 1st 10 ppl go thru their words... hehe....
When came to my turn, as usual, took a long breath, and got started.... All 10 words were quite easy, but the pronouncer's voice was not clear, so i was quite confused, but i still spelt all, and got 8/10 correct, which means RM 20, and a certificate! yay! hehe...
Then i went home feling happy and satisfied, but sad knowing i could have got all 10 correct and RM 200!! hehe... Then went to church, today's palm Sunday mass, and then to LifeNite.....
Just now's LifeNite was ok, very interesting and to those Christians who are wondering what LifeTeen is, i suggest you check out this website: http://www.lifeteen.com and look around... Basically its a Youth Ministry, serving the Lord... hehe... Every LifeNite on Saturdays are fun, but most importantly we can talk about the Word of The Lord, and praise and worship Him..
Ok, i guess that's all for now... It's certainly been a hectic week for me, and looking forward to Easter weekend!
Good night!!
Resepi Ayam Goreng Rempah Azie
4 years ago
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