I am so not looking forward to turning 20 so soon... It feels like just yesterday I was sweet 16 and enjoying life, now in a few months time I have to say goodbye to my teenage years, and not enjoying life at all now... Gosh if only I can turn back time... Too late for regrets...
I don't know why, I am just not enjoying life as much as I used to, maybe its all the work, assignments, INTIMA, and all... To be honest, I still can't believe I'm in my college student body, I don't know whether I can handle the responsibilites or not, and whether I can do a good job or not... And honestly I'm still not ready for it, there's gonna be alot of work, I hope it will not distract my studies and diploma, that comes 1st, if at any time it clashes with my studies, then maybe I have to leave the student body to concentrate on my diploma...
On life, It seems that I'm not enjoying it as much as I used to... I've kinda lost my way around now, and I don't seem to know what to do.. Even simple things, I screw up... It's very hard.. As soon as the exams are over, I really need to do some soul searching and clear up the air with some people... It's getting more and more tough... I am confident though I can go through my studies, I will... It's the other aspects that is dragging me down...
Lately as I got older, I seemed to blog less, until recently, when I would blog every few days, back to the old days, when everytime I have something to let out, here comes my bloggie to be there for me... =) hehe... better than people, sometimes they're there for you, sometimes they don't care about you... No wonder the quality of life is deteriorating more and more... Sorrow fills the air...
I'm supposed to be doing my assignment now, but I don't know how to do it, so close to completion, only a part away, but that part is hard for me to elaborate, as I can't find the neccesary information anywhere... haizz... Guess after this I have to work on it real hard!
They say you only appreciate the ones you love after they're gone, and it's especially true here, I've been missing my best friends who are all studying here and there now, and especially the ones that really helped me alot and all... I really miss you all, and I hope you all come back to KK soon... =(
Why is my heart so in pain and sorrow now? When I should be happy at what I have and all the people around me? Is it because of one or two that really matter?
Resepi Ayam Goreng Rempah Azie
4 years ago
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