It seems that every year it gets longer and longer, and better and better! 2011 has been special, though not better than last year, but unique and memorable in its own way... The heartaches stood out, but out of it I learnt alot and moved on, and rediscovered some family relations, and closer than ever! 2011 started where 2010 left off, on New Year's Eve, crossing over to New Year's Day...
This new year was different, I spent it watching the countdown and fireworks at Waterfront, then a dinner with my schoolmates at Alvin's crib, perfect way to start off the year! Then next day it was the usual caroling thanksgiving dinner, with my groupies! Then hang out with Lotte, Queenie, Joey and pals, RAY twice, and the Korean choir visit to SHC, what a nice way to start the year xD!
It was Chinese New Year, so busy preparing and receiving (ahem!), had another RAY session, and then hangout with Aldric, Queenie and Sherilyn! then later on we had a bigger hangout with Joey, Lotte, Queen, Lyn, and their mates Marjorie, Adrian, Jazli and Kevin... Ended the month with another RAY session, and more to come ;)
My Birthday month! for the first time, I managed to celebrate my birthday properly with a nice simple dinner with my besties, all those that I really want to be with, and I loved every single minute of it! It was just a dream, an absolute joy! Then it was LifeTeen mini bazaar, went to support them and meet my mates... It was a joy to organise this dinner, and to celebrate my day with the ones that matter =') 14th of March, my sis Charlene returned home from PLKN, and then we went out with Joey and her sis Lotte to catch up and have a chat =) then we celebrated my sis Cassandra's birthday with a simple lunch =) after that it was IU Day, and LifeTeen Youth Camp 2011 concert/finale, which I went to attend and watch =) the month ended with a class outing to Suria, and it was to be a start of many class outings ;)
April Fools' Day, normally no one would be doing anything for fear of pranks, but this day, it was memorable, went for a photoshoot with my besties =) then there was a suprise farewell party for my bestie Johenson, a surprise that went well, stayed the whole night out... then 15-17 April, we had a RAY Lenten Retreat at Pace Bene, a return to where I went in 2009, so it was nice... It was a very moving, speechless retreat, and one that was not to be missed... then Easter was here, and the usual triple mass, to fully grasp the Easter weekend... Then another bestie of mine, Jerome was leaving for studies too, so had a farewell for him at his place and then one dinner out with the gang... So I ended April wishing Joey and Jerome all the best for their studies...
Roger Wang and Friends! lovely concert by Roger and friends, loved it alot! wonderful repetoire of skills and talents on show, leaving me wanting more by the end of the concert! Then had the LJCCC Mother's Day celebration, along with TOB session, and this time it was the turn of Lotte and Lene to further their studies... I had a besties day out with Angelica at 1Borneo, spent the whole day there, and it was awesome! :3 hehe... The month ended with celebrating Ka'amatan with my bros and sis =)
RAY Holy Spirit Camp! The highlight of the month, without a doubt, but this year it was a little different... Because the camp clashed with my finals, I drove up on the 2nd day straightaway! It was a different and new experience, and it was exciting! haha! as usual, it brought so many memories, and healings, renewals, and a chance to start over again... Bundu Tuhan is such a blessed and wonderful place, always brings a tear to the eyes and heart :3 after returning from the mountains, I went to the 2011 KK Jazz Fest, and my friends from SIA performed, it was nice! Enjoyed the whole night, complete with furious stuff from the performers! The month ended with RAY as usual, and right at the end, a surprise day out with Lorenzo and Anthea =)
This was the month where there were a few big happenings, after all it was my holiday xD! All Saints Bazaar was the start of July, and I went alone, and caught up with few friends, but walked around mostly like a lonely soldier! HAHA! Then Lifeline Camp from 8-10 July, and had a great time, obviously great place, and loved the camp, brilliant! After returning from the mountains, I had an outing with my schoolmates on 11th and 12th, back to back xD! Then it was RAY Anniversary, and it was an awesome night, I enjoyed it from start to finish, just one of those perfect nights, absolutely lovely, and I couldn't ask for more! It was on 15th night, and 16th morning I flew straight away to KL to watch Liverpool FC in action that night! So from 15th night all the way to 16th night, I think I didn't sleep or rest at all, just one flat out journey! It was well worth it! I got to watch LIVERPOOL! how many people can say that? :D I was in KL from 16-21, and managed to spend a day with Evelyn and my aunt Jenette, and then a day with ma besties Joey, Jerome and Ryan! It was simply great!
The month was a slow one, until the end, that is xD! I spent a day with my childhood friends and cousin, Serene, Grace, Kevin, Samuel and Mich at Millenium... then had one last night out with my schoolmates before they went their separate ways, and it was nice to be able to meet them all again before they left =) but now some are back! hehe... there was a Pro-Life talk by Dr. Ligaya on 13th, at SHC, from afternoon till night, and it was an eye-opener... then on 26th, my besties Joey and Lotte came back, so we hang out wit Cass, and it was a nice day out... This month was also the start where I began to play badminton regularly with my sis Cass and friends, almost everyday, until November when everyone, including me, was busy...
Perfect start, a day out with the family on 2nd! :3 with Joey, Lotte, Lene, Cass, Ad, and Ameera! Our plan was actually to go to Atmosphere, but it was closed, so we stayed awhile, then diverted to 1Borneo, and we spent the evening and night there, and for the 1st time, me, Cass and Meera went home by bus, while the rest followed Jo, and it was a new experience xD! On 9th, I went to Jon Paradise's album launch at D'Junction, with Dang Bandangs and friends in the house! Then the longest day, on 16th September, a day I'll remember for both good and bad ;) I spent the whole day from morning to night away, and at night was exhausted! The next day we had a visit to CDC, where we visited the seminarians on behalf of RAY, and it was cool to see their experience and how their journey to priesthood is =)
October was kinda busy yet quiet month, all I had was badminton sessions and study times with ma sis... There was the SHC Bazaar, and I went the whole day to support, especially Lifeteen's booth =) I got to know some new friends, among them Vivian and Bian, as well as my old pal Jiwan! =) then my 2 classmates, Eve n Steph were in the INTIMA 17th batch, and we joined in the installation ceremony, very nice xD! Then the monthly RAY fellowship, and my classmate Eve's birthday lunch =) Overall, October was to be the end of one thing, and it signalled a big change in my life coming up...
November rain was the tone for the start, it was indeed raining personally for me, but the month ended well, it was this time of difficulty that I discovered and learnt something, and got close to my cuz Elvina, I'm really thankful she's there for me everytime, and although we're distant cousins (maybe) but we're close, and I really appreciate it... November was also the start of caroling practice, and RAY was the first to practice, followed by LifeTeen, eventually I joined the latter... My cousin Marcello got married on 17th, and on 25th was my bestie's sis Alethia's birthday party, together with my cuz Vina =)
The big one was on 26th, LifeTeen 7th Anniversary, and to return to where I used to be, used to go, and used to follow, it was an emotional return, and I enjoyed every minute of it, just the experience, it was a perfect night as well... Congratulations to Lifeteen, 7 years and counting! The last day was the first day we practiced for caroling, and I followed my cousins and besties in Jude Lopez's group, which set up a fantastic time ahead!
THE BEST MONTH! Carolling, outings with besties, family and friends, and most of all, CHRISTMAS! What more can I ask for? One caveat: it was my finals, final exams, but I didn't care, I wanted to have fun and spend time with my besties and cuzzies, and I did! My exams went well, thank God =) My exams was from 13th to 20th, and I guess it went well... Didn't really think much about it, I only wanted to do it and that's it!
I joined Jude Lopez's gang, the 'hobbits' as he calls us, and it was fun! We started caroling on 5th until 12th, and luckily my exams was on 13th till 20th, yet in between I went here and there, really awesome! We went caroling around KK High, Kepayan, Lido around there for 6 nights, and every night was a different experience, and those moments, truly unforgettable! My caroling group was just awesome, down to a man, all top class! It was just awesome to be able to bond with my cuzzies and besties, and spreading the Good News, and carol, and celebrate the Advent season this way =) Each night during caroling was just unique, and I will forever treasure those memories in my heart!
During the month, despite the exams, I actually went out alot and spent time with friends and family alot! I went out with Jaime, Duane and Joshua on 11th, and that night I went to Logos with my parents, on the last night, and I'll miss the ship alot, didn't really get time to really explore the whole ship =( One day I'll remember, a day out with my cuzzie Vina, Abby, Sasha, Jaime, Ony, Steph and Wesley on the 16th, best day out! Those days will never be forgotten <3
RAY were invited to carol at Kompleks Karamunsing on 17th, 21st and 23rd, and I went to watch all 3 days, as well as joined on 21st, awesome! RAY Christmas Dinner was on 18th, and it was a nice night, had fun, and helped out as much as I can =) Then 22nd, I went to meet my ex-Lifeteeners, my batch, at Up2U, and had drinks over chats about Lifeteen, and 23rd we went to Anthea's house with Lorenzo, Lornetha and Jonathan for a jam session/cover session, and stayed till morning! 24th, I had a day out with my besties Joey, Lotte, Lene, and Adriana, and we went out and straight to Christmas Eve mass at Sacred Heart! It was a long day, but a very fun day!
Christmas Day, I spent the day with my family, then went to Joey's grandparents' open house, and spent some time there! hehe... Then I met up with him again before he left on 27th, for a while in Millenium, and like that he was off... Didn't get to spend time with Jerome though, coz he was back for a very short time, few days, so didn't get to meet... Then on 28th, my cousin Bryony, her school organised a Masquerade Prom, so I went with my cousin Elvina, Abigail, and pals Duane, Jaime and Melissa, and it was a fun night, at 1st it was OK2, then free booze! xD! I didn't have any though, didn't want to drink again =) But I enjoyed the night, especially it was the last time I could spend time with my cuz Vina before she needs to study for SPM, and my friend Jaime who was going back to Singapore =)
On 29th, me and my friends Lorenzo, Jonathan, Lornetha, Gerald, and Deborah spent a night in Anthea's place again for some drinks and just hang out, and enjoyed the whole night, and what happened that night stays in that night ;) haha! The month and year finally winded down with enjoying the final day, and staying home while watching the fireworks and texting my cuzzie Vina and pal Vivian through the last minutes of 2011 and first minutes of 2012!
Overall, I had a great year, filled with ups and downs, and I learnt so much in 2011... I think every year end we'll always say the same thing, that we learnt from mistakes, that the moments help shape who we are, and I think that's true... I learnt so many lessons the hard way, got to know who my true friends were, and actually, I never lost any friends, it's just that either I'm too shy or I didn't dare to reconnect with old pals, and now I'm starting to bit by bit, open up... I'm generally a shy person, despite my extrovert nature, and I'm slowly changing that... 2011 was a defining year, and 2012 will be great! Of course, there will be more lessons, more memories, more ups and downs, its how we react and how we respond to each and every one if it that defines who we are, who I am... So, adios 2011! You'll always be in my heart!
Resepi Ayam Goreng Rempah Azie
4 years ago