Unlike previous years, this year was the year where I started to grow up, to be more mature, but also being carefree and being myself at the same time, learning so much, not only from heartaches and sorrows, but also happiness and blessings, and on the journey to being an adult...
This was also the year where I grew closer again to my siblings and besties, those that I had drifted apart not on purpose, but something happened, and now I'm so thankful for being close with them again, and most importantly, I met a friend who really changed my life, and brought me closer to God :) and I really am blessed and thankful for all of them :)
2012 was also the year where sportingly, this was the closest Olympics a Malaysian, Lee Chong Wei, came to getting the elusive gold medal, and although he got silver, in the hearts and eyes of everyone, he is gold standard! We are and will always be very proud of him and his efforts!
Anyway, here we go!
The new year welcomed old new relationships, and I started to get close to my sis Bianca again, and since then we've been very close, and thank God for that :) then managed to meet my school besties, which was nice, wish I can meet them altogether again :) Then I won a competition by Breeze to meet Roger Wang and Angelina Perete in person, though to me they're more like friends or casual acquaintances not a fan-superstar thingy, but a more respectful and friendly meeting :) then as it was SYD year, the SYD cross came to St. Simon and Sacred Heart, and went to both... As it was Chinese New Year, me and Bianca went to our bro Aldric's open house in Tamparulli, and we had a great time :)
The month was Cassandra Robert's birthday, so we celebrated her birthday at her house, and had a fun night, then our class had a field trip to Sutera Harbour, and all we did was take pictures haha! My best bud Joey brought me to my 1st sunset photo shoot, and the 1st of many ;) This month RAY started our monthly fellowships again, and this year was a big one for me in RAY, as explained later...
Ah, my birthday month, and probably the BEST weekend ever! My birthday fell right on LifeTeen's Bazaar, and with so many friends, my cousin Erlvina and besties, I had a great night! and Jude almost managed to ice me, but to no avail! Ha! Ha! The next day, I had a birthday lunch with my besties, bro and sis that were here in KK at Sailors' and had a nice lunch :) I also had a day outing with Aldric and Bianca, and we had a mini photoshoot :) then Cass' birthday dinner as well! This was also my semester break, so I went to Singapore for a week long holiday, and met my friend Jaime in Singapore! Went out with her and her friends, and watched a movie in Sg for the 1st time, so sakai haha! Had a fun family holiday in Singapore, and miss that place :)
April Fools' Day brought a GCG by LJCCC and a talk by Jude Antoine, and Easter mass celebration at St. Simon with my sis Bianca and her mum :) then met many friends at IU Day, went with my friends :) then at RAY, the Global Challenge missionaries came by to say hello and gave a talk, and it was very interesting, and it made me interested in missionary work :)
This was the month where my friends were back from studies, and managed to meet up with them, and also St.Simon had their fundraising bazaar, went with Aldric and Bianca again :) Then Charlotte and Charlene Jumin had their holiday, so went out with the siblings and friends... Then the most packed day, 19th May, where I went to watch Dang Bandangs perform, watched movie with my bro and sis, then had my college dinner at night, but it was a fun and amazing day! The next day LJCCC celebrated Mother's Day GCG, and it was very touching :) I had a beach outing with my cousins and besties Vina, Abby, Sasha, Karyn, and Wesley simply a fun day :D then Ka'amatan celebration at KDCA with Vina, Bryony, Vernessa, Wesley, Carlos, Jiwan and Vivian :)
My bestie Jiwan had a friends' gathering at her place, and I got brought along with my cousin, before RAY camp... Then THE BIG ONE, RAY Holy Spirit Camp 2012, and 1st time I helped out alot, and was really tiring but it was awesome, and emotional, very emotional, because what happened meant so much to me, and it was really a personal camp... The night after, Nat had his birthday dinner at his place, and direct from camp! Haha! This was also the month of KK Jazz Fest, and every year, different performances but still well worth the price, although I only went for a night... Then Shawn and Sharlene's wedding at CMI was very emotional, something about the month of June aye? ;) RAY Camp follow up was at the end of the month, which closes it up pretty well... Until a shock right on the last day, which until now is still fresh in the memory... What was supposed to be a day to remember really turned into that for a very serious reason...
With that shock from the previous day, of course the feeling, the emotions are still raw and very subdued, which was evident during another GCG gathering... But all was slowly well again, as this month my old besties from school returned for the summer holidays, so for the next 2 months, I spent alot of time with them, naturally, and really miss them now :( on 7th July I went to support my bestfriend Edna's dance competition at Warisan, and it was really awesome! The next week was KK High Concert, and again she performed, so went over there to watch and support again :) 15th July every year is always RAY Anniversary and Aline's birthday of course ;) We had our first ever RAY Graduates gathering, where all the senior RAY people come and gather again to catch up with old times :) The month closed out with an emotional RAY Night for myself, and really touched by that :)
The month started with the Priestly Ordination of Deacon (now Father) Jeffri and Daniel, on the day of Edna's birthday, and me and my friends, mainly Phoebe Ann, planned a surprise for Edna at night, and it turned out pretty well, was an awesome night, as all birthday surprises are :) on 8th August me and my classmates had a day trip to Nexus Karambunai then 1B, glad to spend time with them and not worry about exams or studies for a day ;) haha! Throughout the year, the 6 youth ministries in Sacred Heart take turns to host an open house for all youths, and August was Lifeline's turn, then LifeTeen had a Bowling Night for all current and ex-members, so we had fun bowling the whole night! The final few days I spent with my school besties before they all left, so had a great time, but really missing them :(
First day and it was LifeTeen's turn to host the SHC Youth Open House, and memories of my time in LifeTeen all those years ago came back, so happy and blessed to be a part of it again, even if it's just for 1 night :) This was also the month I made and recorded a song with my friends Adriana and Edna, and it was a fun process! Hope to one day go to a studio with both and record those songs, and make a dream a reality! It was also time for Lifeline Camp at Pace Bene, and it was spiritually a very uplifting camp, and I truly felt the Lord's presence that time, and it was simply wonderful, thank God for that experience! :D On 16th September, it was a day to bless Malaysia, and all the churches combined to hold a Praise Rally in Stadium Likas, and to see this in reality was truly amazing, once in a lifetime, and thank God for this :D Then me and my friends went to watch the Bird Cage, a truly touching play from our friends at Green Leaf Theatre House, been supporting them for years already now, and will continue to ;) then at the end of the month it was Donovan and Melissa's wedding, another blessed couple, then RAY visited the CDC on the same day as well, fantastic!
The month started off quietly, although me and my friends meet up very often and study together at the library from the middle of the year, and since the past few months I got close to many of my cousins and besties' friends from KK High, and it was very funny yet nice how I can know them all :) I went to KL for a short trip to watch Tommy Emmanuel live, and it is an honour and a blessing to watch him live, such joy and passion on the guitar, yet humble and friendly, really respectful... and I managed to meet Liverpool legend Robbie Fowler! What a trip! Then this month it was RAY's turn to host the SHC Youth Open House, and it was nice, though tiring because we were the hosts, but it was fine :) then our friends Dang Bandangs had their album launch, and before that me and my friends had a road trip to Sepanggar to relax and drink coconuts! haha! We supported our friends' album launch, it was a rocking time! The month ended with my cousin, besties and friends' graduation ceremony at KK High, and I'm so proud and happy to see them graduate already :')
The month brought the Hitz.FM KK Birthday Invasion was a blast, with Dang Bandangs opening the show! What a wild and rocking event! Then the big one, LifeTeen 8th Anniversary! This time I was asked to act in the skit and help out throughout the night, and I really had a great time, really felt a part of it compared to previous years, and the memories of past years in LifeTeen came flooding back :) We had our final RAY of the year, and the senior band came back to play, which was awesome! Then Daryl's birthday at his place was a fun and crazy night! Finally we celebrated Vernessa's birthday with the gang, Vina, Abby, Karyn, Javier and Wesley :)
Ah, the month of caroling, fellowship, and most importantly, CHRISTMAS! :D and at this point in time, our lives were about to change forever... I went for an overnight retreat in Kokol with JJ and Edna, and it was very calm and soothing, wish I can go again now amid the noise and hassles of daily life :( As usual I joined LifeTeen for caroling with my hobbits under Jude Lopez, and they truly felt like a family to me, one BIG family :') and I miss them so much now! That is why I will always be with them every year for caroling, people don't understand, to me, Jude's group and the hobbits, my cousins, friends, they all are like family to me :) This year I managed to go to the Gaya Street Christmas Festival for 2 nights, first with Johenson, Cassandra and Virgil, then with Jo and Cass again the 2nd time... This month so much happened, and LJCCC had a garage sale, then I managed to jam in my house with my cuz and bestie, then my classmates had a trip after exam to Suria and the Rumah Terbalik XD! The peak was SplashKK Arts Festival, by Green Leaf Theatre House and other parties, and it was a cultural extravaganza! Awesome all round! Truly a magnificent job by everyone!
As Christmas arrrived, I went to mass at St. Simon the day before, and Sacred Heart for Christmas Eve mass, and now it's already 31st December as I wrap everything up, so much happened in December alone! On Christmas Day alone, I began it in KK9, then Daryl's open house, then Aubergine for dinner with besties, and ended it in Up2U! Haha! What a day! And these past few days, I had a sleepover in my friend's house, and all... Truly a month to remember, and a year to remember!
As the year is ending, 2012 was truly a year where I began to grow in faith, and also grow to be a more mature person, albeit very slowly ;) this was a year where I began to grow personally, change to be a better person (I hope! haha!) and not just the memories, but the process as well, and everything that happened.. It wasn't an easy ride, everything was not all smooth sailing, but I choose to learn from my mistakes, remember the happy moments, and move on towards 2013 :)
To be honest, I'm not ready to leave 2012 behind, so many memories and moments this year with besties and people that are close to my heart, and I really love all my besties, and I truly thank God for gifting me the gift and blessing of true friends :) and this year also, I met one friend that I truly thank God for meeting, and she's an amazing friend and person, and an awesome character! But as with all good things, all things must pass, and all good things come to an end, but the memories remain :)
Adios 2012! You have been amazing! Looking forward to 2013 and a trip overseas ;)
Resepi Ayam Goreng Rempah Azie
4 years ago